The earth is definitely doomed (c)
"Собака Баскервилей" просто таки взорзвала майстрадофандом. В хорошем смысле взорвала =) Много прекрасного инспектора, который теперь по канону "Грег", по канону знаком с Майкрофтом... и далее уже всяческие умозаключения фандома, которые в целом весьма логичны. Вот за что люблю этих людей - рассмотрят все под микроскопом и все подведут под обоснуй ))) Особенно мне понравился вот этот анализ с жжного майстрадосообщества:

But onto the Mystrade shippers front (which is really why we're all here), even if Mycroft and Greg (yes! Greg!) didn't have an actual scene together, its confirmed that they know each other. Which is more then we've ever had before even though it was highly likely. In other words, congrats my fellow Mystrade shippers! We have cannon justification now!

Now with the slash goggles on, Sherlock automatically associates Greg's (can't stop using that name) presence there with Mycroft's influence. Why? Because he knows that Mycroft has had dealings with Greg before, possibly quite often over the past five years. Second, the way Greg says, "I don't just do what your brother tells me to." Its the only thing said without looking Sherlock in the eye, and he basically mumbles it. What this means to me is that Greg is perfectly aware of three things: He knows that he always does whatever Mycroft asks him too, he knows that Sherlock knows that, and he knows he's in denial about it. But just because he knows he's in denial doesn't mean he's willing to admit it. So, then, let's take a look at the time line. According to John's blog, this is happening in March. Sherlock ousted Greg's wife at Christmas. Thats three months ago. Its highly likely that they're not together any more (Did anyone spot a ring on his finger or not?). So maybe Greg knows that if Mycroft says, "jump" he'll say, "how high?", and maybe he doesn't really want to admit it. But he still knows. And besides, a man recently split up with his wife going on a vacation to somewhere warm and sunny? On a DI's salary? He wouldn't have the funds or the means for it. The only person in his life who would is Mycroft.

And with one last thought I rest my case: I think that Lestrade is in somewhat of the same boat as Sherlock. What more does he have then Mycroft and his work? (it doesn't seem like he has many friends. Otherwise he'd be spending Christmas Eve with them, not at 221B)

Edit: Just went and rewatched that bit. Tan line where Greg's ring WAS if you look closely. In other words, Detective Inspector Lestrade is on the market!

:dance2: *а можно нам в третьей серии еще какую-нибудь их совместную сцену, а? :small:

Кроме майстрадовских фишек, и просто прекрасного Лестрада ( :crazylove: ), серия шикарна сама по себе, но об этом я может напишу, когда пересмотрю ее раз пять )))

@темы: 221b Baker Street, DI Lestrade