The earth is definitely doomed (c)
Oh yeah! There is the only way to end obsession on one british actor! Find another one! And better if it's your childhood obsession 
What for I download first season of Buffy? For Rupert bloody Giles! (Is it something in name "Rupert", huh?)

- And you'll be stopping me how?
- Well, I... By appealing to your common sense, if such a creature exists.
Ht is remarkably cute

What for I download first season of Buffy? For Rupert bloody Giles! (Is it something in name "Rupert", huh?)

- And you'll be stopping me how?
- Well, I... By appealing to your common sense, if such a creature exists.
Ht is remarkably cute

that's GOOD!
завтрауже сегодня выходнойвообще это неравноценный обмен - я тебе доктора, а ты мне каких-то плачущих зверушек? я даже не могу разобрать - зайцы это или кошки